Leading digital distributor of insurance and household financial services

The home of iconic insurance and financial product price comparison services

BGL’s Holding Company is home to the UK-based Compare the Market as well as the French price comparison site, Les Furets. All of our businesses aim to help customers make better financial decisions across a range of products.


To find out more about our businesses you follow the links below.


As well as individual Boards for our businesses, BGL HoldCo also has a Board, chaired by Debbie Hewitt, MBE.


Meet our Board here

Statutory Financial Information

As required by the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 the following companies within the Group are required to publish their Section 172 Statement for each financial year end.


The section 172 statements for qualifying companies within the Group are available below:


BGL (Holdings) Limited

BGL Group Limited

CtM Limited – S172 Statement

BGL Group’s Tax Strategy